This page lists answers to some common questions about our services. Please feel free to contact us with any additional questions.
Due to the unique nature of print on demand technology, quality and color of printed books may vary slightly from copy to copy. For most projects, this is not noticable. However, if your project requires a more consistent quality/color, it is recommended to use offset printing instead.
Sure! If you know your way around a word processor and tools like Adobe Acrobat, you can publish a print on demand title yourself. We recommend providers like, Ingram Spark, KDP and for your print on demand needs. For bigger publishers, Ingram's Lighting Source maybe a good option.
No, we only print projects for authors and publishers directly. Additionally, we reserve the right not to accept a particular project if it exceeds our capabilities and resources.
It usually takes about 2-3 months to setup a new book for print. Expedited services are available for some projects
At this time we offer soft cover (paperback or trade paper) and laminated hard cover. Embossing is not available.
We specialize in Hebrew and English, Hebraica and Judaica.
Most titles we print are between 6"x9" and 8"x11", but other sizes are available.
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